As a courier company, we understand that you may have questions about our services, shipping options, rates, delivery times, and more. Hopefully, this page will help you easily find the information you need. Whether you’re a first-time user or a frequent shipper, we hope this section will assist you in making informed decisions and provide you with a hassle-free shipping experience.
History in numbers
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Each branch runs on a slightly different set of hours. For a complete list of each branches hours please contact your location branch for details.
This depends on how far you plan on sending it. Most out of town destinations are 1 or 2 business days. Please contact your local branch to find out more information on shipment details.
Under any normal circumstances of course! But, be aware that in the event that the receiver refuses to pay the charges you may be held accountable
Yes, by contacting your local branch and submitting an application you can have a billing account setup. There are many advantages to doing this!
Effective September 9, 2024, our Fuel Surcharge rates are 27.6% for British Columbia and 23.1% for Alberta.